By Rapmusiq The realization There I was in the middle of the Caribbean sea. I was in a one person canoe, but I wasn’t alone. Surrounded by a counsel of my ancestors the decision was made. My life had to change. As I dunked my paddle long ways into the water as if it could measure the depth of the sea or my soul; I just knew. I could no longer continue in my marriage as it was. I was hurting, yet going through the motions everyday to salvage what I thought was the most important thing in my life. My marriage was a symbol that stood for a number of things, but namely: that I was an adult and that someone in this world (aside from my parents) wanted me. That I was worthy of love because I had a $200 Kay jewelers ring on my finger and a piece of paper in a drawer at home. I had grown up in the most loving environment possible and still somehow society had convinced me that this relationship was more important to me than me. I knew something was wrong as...