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Showing posts from September, 2018

When the Healing Comes: SistaGurl's Guide to Divorce Series

By Rapmusiq The realization There I was in the middle of the Caribbean sea. I was in a one person canoe, but I wasn’t alone. Surrounded by a counsel of my ancestors the decision was made. My life had to change.  As I dunked my paddle long ways into the water as if it could measure the depth of the sea or my soul; I just knew. I could no longer continue in my marriage as it was. I was hurting, yet going through the motions everyday to salvage what I thought was the most important thing in my life. My marriage was a symbol that stood for a number of things, but namely: that I was an adult and that someone in this world (aside from my parents) wanted me.  That I was worthy of love because I had a $200 Kay jewelers ring on my finger and a piece of paper in a drawer at home.  I had grown up in the most loving environment possible and still somehow society had convinced me that this relationship was more important to me than me.  I knew something was wrong as...

Tray Chaney Presents Tyler Perry with the "Dedicated Fathers" Award

Actor and Artist Tray Chaney has been on a mission to let his purpose lead his passions. Since 2012, Tray has been fostering his movement and fashion line called “Dedicated Fathers”. He uses his brand and celebrity, which I have spoken of previously , in efforts to encourage and support fathers who are doing what’s best for their families on a daily basis. It’s been reported that African American men have the highest percentage of being the most active in their children’s lives. Tray has been working in earnest to negate the stereotype that assumes otherwise. He understands because he is a father himself, being an everyday hero to your children is not something that comes without struggle; but should be supported as we continue to improve our communities family structure.   Starting this past Father’s Day, began formally honoring fathers by presenting them with the “Dedicated Father’s Award. His latest recipient, is not a stranger to acclaim in our community , bu...

Katt Williams Gang banging at Breakfast!

By Felicia Clark So guess who is gang banging at breakfast now? On Friday, September 14th, to be exact, Emmy award winning comedian Katt Williams appeared on the Frank and Wanda in the Morning show, along with fellow comedian Red Grant to promote his upcoming Comedy Special in the ATL. After Frank interviewed the ever so pleasant Red about his life and comedy, he turned his questions to Katt, asking him, “What makes a great special sir? Cus' no one makes them like you.” Katt responds by saying, “It speaks to quantity...I had more specials than any comedian breathing or dead...7 more than Richard Pryor, 6 more than Martin Lawrence…” Frank interjects, “Are you serious? Are you serious, Katt?” Katt is carries on, “...6 more than Chris Rock, and 5 more than Dave Chappelle.” Again, Frank is asked again, “Are you serious?” Katt simply states, “Those are just facts.” What an interesting kickoff, don’t you think? Pass the bacon, please. From there, Katt went on to discuss how ...

Ready to Sign Them Papers? (Usher Voice) SistaGurl's Guide to Divorce Series

By Felicia Clark  “Dissolution of Marriage and Marital Settlement.” I read these words to myself as I stood in line at the courthouse. It was four sheets of paper, front and back. The breakdown of my marriage. 7 years broken down into 4 sheets of paper.  Paper like any other that can be torn, shredded, and ruined by water. It felt like my marriage was as easily ruined as the paper I was holding in my hands. "What the hell is this?" I asked as I stepped closer in line. Seven years prior, we were in such a rush to get married. We went down to City Hall to get the marriage license. We were so proud to have obtained it. The day of the wedding, I jumped out of bed. I was tripping all over myself. I couldn't contain my excitement.  I had on a short peach A-line dress and he wore a nice peach button down shirt and slacks. We looked very cute. And happy. As we made the walk from underground parking towards City Hall, we held on tight to each other’s hands. I glanced...

Messy Messy Messy: Labor Day Week News Recap (2018)

By Sierra Pepin In the words of my editor, last week was nuts. Don’t worry, while you catch your breath, your good sis (me) will get you up to speed. Let’s start with the ugly - George Zimmerman allegedly threatened Beyoncé Giselle Knowles, and her husband, Jay-Z. According to The Blast , Zimmerman, the man acquitted of taking the life of teen Trayvon Martin, allegedly called Bey a "broke whore" and said if he saw either part of the power couple, "they'll find themselves inside of 13-foot gator." Zimmerman supposedly sent a series of texts to a private investigator, Dennis Warren. Warren was responsible for contacting potential participants for the six-part docu-series about Trayvon that was co-produced by Jay-Z. Photo from Totally related: for the heartbreaking history of black babies being used as bait for alligators and crocs, see here , here , and here . I know I said I'd help you breathe easier, and if you...

MUST READ: How to Emotionally Validate Children/Teens

Guess Post Alert!!! Many of you who follow us may remember that we interviewed health therapist, and "Dating With Dev" Site Creator Devon Estes, and it was BRILLIANT. She's been so gracious to share her expertise on an article that most parents and mentors will benefit from! Show her some love! ~ Capt SistaGurl By Devon Estes M.S.,LPC As a mental health therapist for teens and their families I find myself teaching emotional validation a lot. For the teens I spend much of their treatment expanding their emotional vocabulary, guiding them into identifying their emotions, helping them identify their needs associated with their emotions, and supporting them into acting on those needs in a healthy productive manner. For their parents, I’m often highlighting the connection between validation/invalidation and the issues they experience with the child, as well as how to help support the child navigate self-validation.  I also find myself debunking the myth that validatio...

Sisterhood Struggles Part 2: Sometimes I feel like a Motherless Child

By Felicia Clark Sometimes I feel like a motherless child… Sometimes I feel like a motherless child… Sometimes I feel like a motherless child… A long way from home, a long way from home… As I listen to Odetta belt out those heavy, soulful lyrics, I am suddenly catapulted into a plethora of emotions...memories. Forcing me to not only sympathize with her but also understand. I understand the sadness, confusion, the feeling of being lost and lonesomeness that comes from being a long way from home...away from your mother. Although I live near her, I feel so very far from my mother. I often yearn to be close to her. You want to know what’s odd? I feel this way even though I may be in the same room. I look at her and see myself. But, does she see the same? Why doesn’t she see the same? These are questions that have asked myself over the years. I often feel as though I’ve fallen short of the grace of my mother. Even in the times I have my idea of what her expectations...