So initially my thought process about this issue was to speak of the men that allow women to support them, while they contribute little to the betterment or productivity of their homelife. However, after much thought, I think this topic has been done over and over and I want to approach it a bit differently (I may comeback to the men eventually, but.. not right now). I want to talk about the WOMEN who allow their men to be this way. Now .. women are very understanding, especially black women, we understand and sympathize with the issues that our men face on a daily basis. We know that second chances come few and far between for them, we know that they weren’t always allocated the same opportunities that other men of other races were given, so we make special exceptions for that. These are excellent character traits! Not to discredit those things, but let’s face it ladies, black women face numerous obstacles as well. Somehow, within the many obstacles we face, we still MANAGE t...