Have you ever sat down in adult hood and had a conversation with the childlike version of yourself? I am nearly certain that when you do, you will notice that the expectations the 7 year old version of yourself had, and the reality that you live in now.. does not REMOTELY sync. Albert Einstein said, "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one". As we get older our ability to dream is deffered by the apex of our reality. We see things a lot differently at 35, then we did at 25, then we did at 19, then we did at 12. Why is that? I believe the older we become, the more aware of "reality" we become. So when time begins to pass us, and things continue not to work in our favor, we start to do things to heighten our fear, and suppress our real desires. I must also mention that fear as an adult is masked in a couple of different things. STABILITY. SECURITY. SETTLING. COMFORTABLE. LAZINESS. Those are fear based tactics. Once you're of a certain...