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Showing posts from December, 2018

The After Interview - Featuring Maria Hadden

By Laura Miller  As we propel ourselves in the season of giving, I'd like to share with you the full answers to some of what we talked about as well as some questions that weren't seen in my Rolling Out interview. I'd like to call this segment "The After Interview".  So dig in folks, Maria is a quality candidate and just by being herself, she stands to make HERstory. It’s to note that if elected you would be the first AA woman and openly gay alderman in this district. What are you thoughts on this? I think it’s exciting. We live in a place where diversity is a strength, and I think our leadership should represent that. And that’s not to say I represent every identity in our ward, that’s impossible, but I do think having someone who looks like a lot of people in this ward and shares more of their lived experiences will make a difference in encouraging people who aren’t currently engaged in the political process to get involved. It’s also a reason I don...