New Magic By Capt SistaGurl The sky may fall to ruin, the earth may cease to spin, but the risk of living my last day is worth an eternity of life in the unknown. Whatever the ancestors have chosen for us, destiny may fulfill it. I feel you, even when you’re away, in the depths of my endings, and the top of the world’s ceiling. We may fall. The world might end, but it’s worth the moment. To feel you, to need you, to manifest the pureness of our energy. Being so fearful that we are wrong, that we might blow the world up, but what if we save ours? Searching for new oxygen to save me I need to know now, at this moment how the story ends, beginning with one kiss. Suspended in time, into the brightness of forever, clinging to the light in our souls, that plague the darkness of our worry. One kiss from you is worth a lifetime never knowing. Longing to bat...