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Showing posts from February, 2021

Love is Dope: Featuring Capt SistaGurl

New Magic By Capt SistaGurl The sky may fall to ruin, the earth may cease to spin,  but the risk of living my last day is worth  an eternity of life in the unknown.  Whatever the ancestors have chosen for us, destiny may fulfill it.  I feel you,  even when you’re away,  in the depths of my endings,  and the top of the world’s ceiling.  We may fall.   The world might end,  but it’s worth the moment.  To feel you, to need you,  to manifest the pureness of our energy.  Being so fearful that we are wrong, that we might blow the world up,  but what if we save ours?  Searching for new oxygen to save me I need to know now,  at this moment how the story ends,  beginning with one kiss.  Suspended in time,  into the brightness of forever,  clinging to the light in our souls,  that plague the darkness of our worry. One kiss from you is worth a lifetime never knowing.  Longing to bat...

Love is Dope 2021 - Featuring Nizm

Check out an archive performance from Nizm of his fan-favorite classic "Come Back Love "  Sometimes, love means letting go. Then there are times, when you're just not ready.  Thanks for this vibe Nizm!  Time travel with us, to a time where the world was open, and LIVE music was KING. 

Love is Dope 2021: Featuring Felicia Clark

Good Good By Felicia Clark I’ve never been one for sweets But you got that good good. The kind of love that makes me wanna holla... To wish you would... Your sweet kisses are like sugar Your eyes so mystique As you stare, I critique Your manliness  Crazy how you finesse  My heart right out my chest I wanna be within your grip Get high as I suck your lips Your hands on my hips Inhaling your aroma  Sure to give me a diabetic coma Too sweet My diet I will cheat Come on baby... we should... I so wish you would.

Love is Dope 2021: Featuring Lyrical Paradigm

The Trees By Lyrical Paradigm There were whispers in the unknowing She got lost in them Often finding trees in the forest She could hear them beating They would bend for her Encasing her in breathing She would listen for her name Wait patiently for her to be summoned Cradled her head against leaves The shiver of the breeze would soothe her These trees knew things She used their bark for cleansing They would know her skin as melody A tune she would maestro with her walk Horns in her right leg Strings in her left They would play concertos of her scent Weaved into branches She and the trees would find heaven on highs Contrasted darkness in backgrounds She would find centers in sap Drink from the star stuff Her voice drowned out by shimmers and twinkles The trees would sing for her Moving the horizons wayward Covering her tracks Keeping her wild by taming her She counted their rings to remember time the trees  she always saw the forest Don't you feel the vibes? If you want t...

Love is Dope 2021 - Two Occasions featuring Nikia Webster

We have another submission for this year's Love is Dope - 2021. It's a spoken word video from It's Just Nikia. The warmth and the depth of these words will spellbound you and your special someone. So enjoy!  Two Occasions - Nikia Webster  

Love Is Dope 2021: Valentine's Day Featuring Neroamee Alucard

Valentine's Day By Neroamee Alucard I used to think of this day as simply a capitalistic exploitation of love, or an excuse to make fractured relationships somehow more materialistic But while there is some truth to this I've learned now that most of that viewpoint was shaped by my phase of being an unabashed, unrepentant, quite frankly an annoying cynic. I put up a shell to keep love out, but couldn't fight the pangs of loneliness. Before we met I'd probably gotten into an entanglement that didn't get to serious because the blessing in that journey of self-repair was developing self-awareness. I stopped them before they got too serious. I still have a lot to unlearn, a lot of baggage to unpack and a lot of bad habits to break like a KitKat. But, I'm thankful that I have you on this journey with me. I have you to ask for aid when I know I need it. To hold me accountable when I'm leaning back on that time in my life. The ages of walking alone left me...

Love is Dope: 2021 Neroamee Alucard

My Best By Neroamee Alucard I know what I make for you Isn't much in monetary value But I hope that each labor I undertake Has managed to put another smile Onto that beauteous face.   Not a day goes by That I don't find you on my mind. I'd give you the world If I was gifted with strength divine.   I know, it isn't much. But for now it's the best that I can do. My gifts to you are my words, my verses The strings I strum, and I hope that they immerse Your feelings as your creations, your writings The expressions of yourself.   You're unapologetically you, my love. And even though you're sweeter than a caramel apple, unlike excess sugar, you're good for my health.  ** Neroamee's Muse** Hey SistaGurl :)