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Showing posts from August, 2019


As I get older, I realize the recipe for success comes from many things. The one thing that is discussed but often overlooked is how successful people react to REJECTION..  Just as I type this at 11AM CST, I myself have been rejected or heard the word "No", at least six times for about 3 different things. To be clear, my day started at about 8AM. Let's be honest, successful people didn't become that way because they had every door they knocked on opened at first encounter. They became that way because regardless to how incredibly painful the rejection was, how bad they wanted: That role That account That sponsor That grant That interview That job That opportunity.... They didn't give up!! They did not completely dive into the feeling of being slighted. They took that disappointment to the chin and kept going. Believe me, there are times when I just want to give up, and pursue less. Stay safely in the bubble where my odds are more favorab...