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Showing posts from 2022

If Mariah Carey Can Start Christmas Early So Can SG - 2022 Holiday Gift Guide Starts Now

Good Morning or Evening Friends,  This is your friendly announcer (Stevie Wonder) voice. This year, much like many others, I've had the luxury of being introduced to amazing brands that I feel the world should know about. If not the world, at least our SG community. Every year we host a Holiday Guide to ensure that brands who don't have the budget or access to marketing, publicity, and the typical price tag of a Holiday Gift Guide in a large-scale media magazine. Because how are you supposed to spend $3-10k on a gift guide and still prepare for inventory? Yeah, Nah, we're good over here.  Furthermore, receiving press is nearly impossible if you don't already have it. We charge a very small fee here to HOST your passion projects/businesses and hopefully help move the needle for your upcoming year in the black. Our followers look forward to this gift guide every year because we cater it to the needs of the consumer as well as the product owner. And, we try to make it fun ...


By Capt SistaGurl Once upon a time, in the age of a coke-induced Russell Simmons, rap battles were king, LL Cool J wore a Kangol, and the female rappers were fresh and diligently working their way up to the mainstream within the culture. As the years progressed, and Russell said no to drugs, and yes to very young women, the image of the genre changed, but one thing still reigned true.  RAPPERS RAPPED their frustrations in the studio and on rare occasions award shows and radio stations. There’s a period in between where rap was aligned to violence and our most popular rappers were at the center of a feud, but let’s leave this out for now because those times were outside of the norm. Except for that one time in the studio, 50 got jumped, Murder Inc got raided, and the beef spilled outside of the booth. But that’s really it, right? Well no, not really, it happened a few more times.  BUT PRIMARILY, rappers used their words for a primary pursuit of dominance and it was friendly, a...

Interdependent Relationships are the Relationships of the New Age

Guest Submission by Brandon G-Stak  This is a social observation blog about how more women’s independence has killed the traditional relationship. If you’re an independent woman that doesn’t need a man for ANYTHING and you don’t have dreams of marriage, THIS IS NOT FOR YOU. This is for the independent woman that says she doesn’t need a man for anything, but 3 posts later complains about wanting to a “traditional relationship” like her grandparents. In the new world where the genders are becoming more equal, a lot of old traditions are dying out. Interdependent relationships are the relationships of the new age. Meema & Poppa’s Dynamic: If you objectively look back at the relationships your grandparents had, it was set up for the woman to be more of a dependent, than an equal partner. The traditional roles were the man goes to work to provide and the woman takes care of the house. While traditional relationships did have love as part of the foundation, they were held together wi...

Fake Place - Real Problems

By Laura Miller  The allure of social media provides our senses with the notion that fairytales come true. It can show us things like the beautiful girl with the perfect waistline, smiling her perfect smile living her life as your favorite entrepreneur, standing shoulder to shoulder with all the stars of your dreams.  It shows us that the once ridiculed guy in your Chemistry class in high school now owns a sports car, has 2.5 children, a perfectly adoring wife, and let’s face it, you never expected that weirdo to look like that, it never dawned on you that he could grow a beard and afford expensive cologne!  Often times if you live outside the confines of what is deemed “Social Media” perfect, your daily scrolls down newsfeeds and timelines have effects on you that you wouldn’t expect. Because sometimes social media can just be TOO MUCH. Too over stimulating with perfection.  It can leave you feeling that you’re life doesn’t measure up. Even on the smallest scale it ...

Bridgerton Season 2 Perpetuates Passion over Reality - Which we may need right now

By Capt Sistagurl While Bridgerton is one of the most well-written Shondaland productions in the history of Shondaland. I find myself placed in a less favorable sentiment. Logic.  While the fantasy of the series creates superficial realities where old England is far more progressive than its present version, I struggle with the way in which the season places fantasies back into the lap of women. I think it took women and young girls years to get out from under the thumbs of fairy tales but here we are, believing that love matches can be made in a matter of days and passion can keep a life of longevity in a marriage.  I will say that there’s a reason why women can’t escape the fondness for passionate romance. Hollywood has made millions of dollars off of it.  But is it something we as humans can attain? Or is it merely just something that allows us to remember when he didn’t fart as much, and he actually wanted to know truly what our interests were?  Can love sustain ...

20 Years Since 'No Child Left Behind' ACT and Children are more behind than ever

Guest Feature: LaMailede Assata Moore (Our Trouble Making - Giver or no Damns Friend)  I’ll Knock All This ‘ish Over Chances are, that after reading this piece if you’re a non-educator you may not like me. And if you are an educator, you will not be too pleased either. Why are we in this mess of a situation with CPS , and quite frankly, education nationally? In the simplest terms possible, although not the nicest way to put it, it’s because we’ve been average, complacent, idiots for way too long. My apologies for the harshness, blame Frank. Let me explain in more respectful detail. Our educational system is imploding on itself like a dilapidated building on the South Side of Chicago that’s been ignored by every mayor since no one can remember. Teachers have been screaming for help for decades. Their screams have been ridiculed and scolded. They get less of what they ask for each year.  It has been twenty years since the NCLB act was enacted - more children than ever are behin...

No More Drama: Goodbye to my toxic marriage and hello to Freedom