Good Morning or Evening Friends, This is your friendly announcer (Stevie Wonder) voice. This year, much like many others, I've had the luxury of being introduced to amazing brands that I feel the world should know about. If not the world, at least our SG community. Every year we host a Holiday Guide to ensure that brands who don't have the budget or access to marketing, publicity, and the typical price tag of a Holiday Gift Guide in a large-scale media magazine. Because how are you supposed to spend $3-10k on a gift guide and still prepare for inventory? Yeah, Nah, we're good over here. Furthermore, receiving press is nearly impossible if you don't already have it. We charge a very small fee here to HOST your passion projects/businesses and hopefully help move the needle for your upcoming year in the black. Our followers look forward to this gift guide every year because we cater it to the needs of the consumer as well as the product owner. And, we try to make it fun ...