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Showing posts from October, 2018

Dear White Women: No One is Free until We are All Free

Dear White Women, You lost yesterday. The blow you felt to your very existence and the fiber in fabric of the place of your birth was harsh. People of color, native folks and LGBTQ folks everywhere can empathize with the way you are finally feeling. The part we can not fathom is how it took y’all so long to get here. The outrage of white women the past few weeks has been surprising to say the least. It was as if you were shocked by the unmitigated gall of white men to be white men. Where have you been since the inception of American history? Or did you just not think they would have the causticity to do it to you? You see, no one is free until we are all free. Where was your outrage when Black children were being gunned down in the street? Where was your rage when Trans-women were being murdered for merely existing? And Native women vanishing without a trace? You lost today because you’ve been so busy enjoying your privilege it never occurred to you that something give...

So You're Turning 35...

Hey Friends!  Remember when we were 12-13 and we knew someone that was thirty+ and thought they were SUPER OLD? Like retirement old?  That was around the time you started to make promises to yourself about the magnificent things you would accomplish before turning 30. Some of us namely me, didn't even waste our time with planning a life after 30, because by then, we would have had it all figured out.  If you have done all those things. Good for you, great for you! Go ahead and stop reading, you'll be more useful on other posts. "Buh Bye." (90's SNL reference). If you're like me and you have barely scratched the surface, stick with me.  Let's get started. Hey 34 year old.. YOU ARE NOT OLD. You have reached an age that many of our idols and history notables did not make. (Biggie, Tupac, Aaliyah, Left Eye, Mac Miller, Selena, Jimmie Hendrix, Amy Whinehouse, Tami Terrell, Lorraine Hansberry, Bruce Lee, Chris Farley, King Tut, and JESUS).  Obv...

How Social Media “Likes” became lessons

By Sierra Pepin,  Social media can be an unhealthy escape in the slow, and sometimes sad, days of post-college. In fact, as transitions can be, post-college is a quieter and difficult moment. When I scrape up peace of mind in this confusing pause, I think about what the old me can teach the new me. I remember that while social media can be a fantasy, it can also be my refuge. Sixteen and 17-year-old me needed the safe space of the Internet. I remember laying across my queen-sized bed, in my small bedroom scrolling, scrolling, scrolling. I was in high school and in my first (and only, thank God) toxic relationship. One of my close friends had passed away. I wasn't okay. Through my Tumblr account, I found the music, the community, the blogs, that gave me escape. Through Tumblr, I found the language to recognize emotional and mental harm. My blog started as a place to fawn over One Direction and re-blog pretty pictures of Black people. However, it became my introduction t...