Learn how to have hard conversations about child sexual abuse - "Body Safety for Children: No Secrets” Review
By Laura Miller There is more than one way to tell a story. As parents, educators, and mentors, it’s my belief that we owe them a certain level of the audacity of courage. There are several conversations while parenting that we never want to have. Namely, because there is hurt that we would never want them to receive. One of those incredibly uncomfortable conversations is related to body safety and sexual abuse. Let’s be honest as much as we can about this subject. No adult wants their family to pass down this type of trauma. No parent who is a survivor of abuse wants to even consider that the world is still plagued by sexual abuse, human trafficking, or undue bodily harm to the next generation. Unfortunately, studies are showing that this curse of intended pain has not unwaivered in affecting our children. When we asked the Chicago native, and “ Body Safety for Children: No Secrets” author, Israeio Holloway, why she felt it was important to ask such an important...