I believe prior generations were so busy trying to get their just due that they didn’t have time to COMPLAIN ABOUT EVERYTHING. Publicly complain, privately complain, LABEL LABEL LABEL. By the way, if you’re reading this you’re probably thinking, well she’s complaining right now. YES I AM. ABOUT US. So it’s fine.
I just really find it to be a complete waste of our time. Dope ass Eleanor Roosevelt once said” Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. “. Let me clue you in on something that you think you know, but you have forgot about it.. CELEBRITIES ARE ACTUALLY PEOPLE; TWITTER, IG, AND FACEBOOK are filled with people. So.. by Mrs. Roosevelt's quote we have allowed intelligent people to become simple minded. Do you really care how fat Rhianna is?(MIND YOU SHE'S NOT FAT. Would it matter either way??) Or is it just a distraction from the purpose of your life.
Sometimes we can allow the simple annoyances in life to take us away from more important things. If you have loved ones think about how much time you spend with them, are you in the moment focused on them? Enhancing your energy by being present in a positive thought process. Try actually being happy for a friend or associate who received a big win, instead of assuming that they are fronting for the gram. (If you went to Thailand wouldn't you take pictures!?! )
The irony is, we whine about a lot of things that if we put effort in, we could probably change. A lot of the time the whining is a deeper seeded issue based on issues we are really facing but too afraid to deal with.
I’ve drafted a list.
- You hate your job (GET ANOTHER JOB)
- You hate your coworkers (IGNORE THEM MFS)
- You spend hours of your day male bashing, female bashing, timeline hating, timeline stunting-Stop it Fam (Kanye Voice)
- You are displeased with your size and wonder why your back hurts, your stomach hurts, or why you're always tired. Perhaps you should workout, go on a diet, consult a physician, a therapist, check out why you stress eat or stress starve yourself)
- You wish that you had more money. GET UP AND HUSTLE. There are literally people on the street in the cold right now selling loose cigarettes! People buy it though. Can you do anything? Can you sell anything? How about you sell some of those whiny ass phrases you have swimming in your head and put them on a T-shirt? Increase your 401k contributions to your shitty job, don’t blow your tax refund on fucking SHOES and TAKEOUT FOOD, get an IRA, buy some property.
- Your credit is bad. SEEK HELP. PAY YOUR DAMN BILLS
Negativity is an overused practice often based on our fears of inadequacy. It's a time filler keeping your from being DOPE. Fear is keeping you from finishing that book(Me), that album, talking to the girl/guy you’ve been feeling for a fucking year. Confront the fact that you’re scared as fuck and keep it moving. DO BETTER. You have all the tools you need, and if you don’t the beauty in living in the information era, is you have access to EVERYTHING YOU NEED. Right damn now.. Do that shit.
Mic Drop ~Capt Sista Gurl Out
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