Sexy Workouts for Sexy Curves
By Neecy Roney
Uh oh don’t look now but it’s June! If you’re like some,
you’ve been working out all winter and ready to rock that summer bikini. If
you’re like others, you need about 4 more months and the motivation to get
Whether you’re just getting back from hibernation or just
started getting in the groove, these below exercises will help you whip into
So we’re going to focus on those body parts that brings
major sex appeal so you can get your sexy back! Try these exercises - 3 sets of 20 reps – at least 3 times a
Beach Body Buns
Hot buns are made in the kitchen but ASS is made by working
out! With the right exercises, you can significantly reduce cellulite and
dimples in your derriere. So grab a mat and do these bootylicious exercises.
That booty is about to BURN!
Bridges | Donkey Kicks | Fire Hydrants
Nice Toned Arms
Here’s a fun fact: Men are attracted to women with toned
arms. Don’t believe me? Check out the Journal of Evolutionary Biology. If
you’re looking for sexy, toned arms this summer, pick up some dumbbells! Don’t
be shy – you have to use moderate to heavy weights to work those arm muscles
(that means if the last few reps don’t slow you down, it’s not heavy enough
Bicep Curls | Tricep Kickbacks | Pushups
Sexy Washboard Abs
Sweetheart, having sexy abs is not just accomplished by
working out. Much consideration must be given to what you’re eating but one of
the key components to toned, flat abs include strengthening the abdominal
muscles. helps Words can’t express how important it is to strengthen your core
and abs – your core is called “core” for a reason right? Amazing abs begins in
the kitchen, but the below workouts coupled with a healthy diet will have your
abs on fleek!
Side Plank | Reverse Crunch | Bicycle Crunch
Hot Sunmer Legs
Strong legs are sexy! Use your body weight or weights when
working out your legs. The trick is working your legs in every angle! The
little dimples and stubborn cellulite in legs will be gone in no time. Build
the legs you and everyone else will love with this mini workout.
Lunges | Side Lying Leg Lifts | Squats
It’s June but it’s never too late to turn up the heat on
your training for that sexy summer body!
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