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Forbidden Love : Part 2 of the Sister-Wife Series

Penned by Devin Miller

Your eyes meet, his smile melts your heart. Every touch is like an electric shock to your body, sending impulses to your body that have never been awakened or haven't been for some time. You find yourself thinking about him before you go to bed, when you're getting your coffee for work, when you turn on the radio, you're in love. The relationship with this beautiful captivating man has you caught up in the rapture. It escalated quickly, that first encounter has now turned into weeks. He's educated, he's refined, he's perfect for you, except for one thing. He's Married! (And not to you). At wind of this news, where ever you are, you flee the scene like the culprit of a hit and run.

What's a girl to do? How do you undo the rapture? "He tells you that he doesn't love her anymore, he never loved her. He's never felt this way for anyone else before. Your connection is spiritual." You're a good girl, you've never done anything dishonest in your life. You know what game feels like, and you feel his love like an Adele song. "Never thought I'd find, someone like you...." but you think, "No.. that's the wrong Adele song, that one doesn't have a happy ending". Maybe Whitney Houston, "He feels me up, he gives me love, more love than I ever need." Then another .. :"Yes, I'm saving all my love, saving all my lo-, Wait, you know that's definitely a song about a mistress!"

You are now in a bubble. A scary bubble in which, your real life, and life of your dreams are colliding into an uncontrollable reality. Right as your turn the music off in your car, the phone rings. You can't deny  how excited you are to hear his name come up in your Bluetooth system, but you ignore the call. "Good girl,"  you tell yourself. You can't do this, what about his wife, what about me?" He leaves a message. You resist the urge to drive onto the next lane and you don't answer the phone.

You turn the car radio back on because the volume of your thoughts is maddening. " As we lay, we forgot about tomorrow as we lay" . At this point you really think that GOD Himself is playing a cruel joke on you. Like those times when you go to church and the pastor's message is perfectly tailored for you. One of those jokes. Back to silence. You hear his voice in your ear, " I want you, I need you." Finally you're home, and you check that message. "Hey babe, it's me, I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of  you. I'll speak to you soon. I Love you. " Your heart flutters and then your blood pressure rises. Now you're upset, you think, "How does he love me, how can he not love her? Why would I even fool with this man, I'm better than this.

Guess what girl, you have three choices. 1. Delete his number from your phone, never speak of him, suppress all thoughts of him out of your memory. Factory reset this man from you life and throw away the weeks you've spent together. The long lunches, the staring in his eyes. All of it. 2. Call his wife, but she probably won't believe you. 3. Throw caution to the wind, and find love in a hopeless place.

If I had to guess, I'd assume some of you are familiar with this feeling? So, I ask what did you do? For efforts of this story here's what option our composite lover did. She chose option 3. Finding love in a hopeless place. Since she knows his secret now, he tells her everything, how much his wife annoys him, how she doesn't support his dreams, how she doesn't get him! How psychically she's let herself go. You almost feel sorry for her! She seems terrible. Our composite friend asks very little questions and after each encounter she feels torn, both in love, and used at the same time. She's now partially accepted that her fairy tale isn't going to happen anytime soon, and she wishes that one day he will just wake up and see things differently and leave the wicked witch because our friend here is clearly a better lover, a better friend, a confidant, more than home girl could ever be.

Then .. her phone rings... It's his wife!

Before this gets ugly, let's stop and talk about this. Now that every one's glued in. We've all figured out that by now, our composite sister should have chosen option 1. Leave the relationship. Any person with self respect and self worth knows that someone perfectly designed for them will come along. Regardless to how slim the chances seem in the dating world . Someone else's husband is just that. Someone else's husband. If it wasn't you, it could have been someone else. Everyone deserves the right to feel special, but love shouldn't make you feel dirty unless it's the good kind of dirty :). I would advise any sisters out there who are in a 3 person relationship, to sever ties as soon as possible.


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